遺物:牛方鼎、牛鼎、Niu Fang-ting(Bronze Square Cauldron with an Ox Emblem)
遺物:牛方鼎、牛鼎、Niu Fang-ting(Bronze Square Cauldron with an Ox Emblem)
- 識別資訊
- 登錄號:R001750
- 資料類型
- 主題:考古遺物
- 主題與關鍵字
- 功能:禮儀/宗教用具
- 描述
- 形制:長方形,四足兩耳,唇緣外撇,器身四角及中間均有稜,底內外近平,四足圓柱形,中空,俯視成四洞,腹飾獸面文,具牛形角,其上為夔紋,左右為鳥紋,兩側面略不同,空隙處填以回形紋,足飾獸面紋及三角紋。 This bronze cauldron is the largest and heaviest bronze object ever found in the archaeological excavations carried out by the Institute at Anyang.It was unearthed at the northern end of the southern corridor of the Royal Tomb M1004'placed together with the Lu Fang-ting.The main decoration on each of the four sides is an ox head in relief.On the two wider sides'there is a standing phoenix on each side of the ox head.On the two narrow sides appear one dragon and one bird on each side of the ox head.There is a band of "Kuei-dragon" patterns on the upper portion of the vessel.The four legs of the square cauldron are also decorated with ox heads.An ox emblem is cast on the inner bottom of the vessel.
- 材質:青銅
- 日期
- 文化年代:青銅時代
- 考古學文化:殷虛
- 歷史年代:商(後期)
- 格式
- 高:完整;全器 73.3 公分
- 長:完整;全器 64.1 公分
- 寬:完整;全器 45.4 公分
- 重量:完整;全器 110.0 公斤
- 來源
- 中央研究院數位典藏計畫---考古資料數位典藏系統(http://ndweb.iis.sinica.edu.tw/archaeo2_public/System/Artifact/Frame_Advance_Search.htm)
- 語言
- 中文
- 範圍
- 所屬遺跡名稱:西北岡墓1004
- 管理權
- 中央研究院歷史語言研究所(http://www.ihp.sinica.edu.tw/)
- 授權聯絡窗口
- 請連結至「史語所藏品圖像授權申請」網站申請授權,網址: